Welcome to the Greeneville City School System. We are proud of the tradition of excellence that our schools have achieved and maintained dating back to pre-civil war days. Our history drives our future. The same values that our fore fathers and mothers embraced surrounding the importance of education in creating a vibrant community are what continues to drive us today.
Students are guided by world-class educators who are not only articulate and gifted in their fields, but are compassionate and caring as well. The Greeneville City School District is committed to providing the best educational experience possible for all students which will assure success in college and career. Excellence is our goal in all that we do. Our students, teachers, and schools have been blessed to be recognized across the state and nation for outstanding academic and extra-curricular achievements.
We are also very fortunate, in our small-town community, to have amazing support from our town, the community, and our parents. This partnership coupled with the guidance of our Board of Education enables us to achieve our mission which is to “Cultivate the Mind and Impact the Heart through Excellence and Equity.” This focus on excellence in ALL endeavors for ALL students affords us the opportunity to realize the vision of Greeneville City Schools which is that our “Graduates are prepared and confident to OWN their future.”
I hope you find this website helpful. If you are thinking of moving to our community, please do not hesitate to contact us at (423) 787-8000. We will be happy to answer your questions and/or schedule a tour of our schools. We would welcome the opportunity to speak with you and to share the fantastic things that are happening in Greeneville City Schools.
Director of Schools,
Steve Starnes